Taraz  college of railway 

transport  and communications

Mission of the college . Qualified specialists with a high level of theoretical and practical skills, with high personal qualities for railway transport enterprises, taking into account the request for industrial and innovative development

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Тараз теміржол көлік және коммуникация колледжінде білім ал. Сен өкінбейсің!!! Получай знания в Таразском колледже железнодорожного транспорта и коммуникаций. Ты не пожалеешь!!!

Our progress


   The mission of WorldSkills Kazakhstan is to form mechanisms for staffing high-tech industries for technical professions based on international standards, including mechanisms for career guidance, training, the formation of expert communities and increasing labor productivity.

     Basic goals:

    1. Identification of the best world practices of vocational training of young people and their introduction into the system of technical and vocational education of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

     2. Stimulation of innovative processes and introduction of new learning technologies in the TVE system of Kazakhstan;

     3. Development of the expert community of Kazakhstan through regular methodological assistance to improve curricula;

     4. Raising the status of a working person and the prestige of technical professions.

Worldskills Kazakhstan