Taraz  college of railway 

transport  and communications

Mission of the college . Qualified specialists with a high level of theoretical and practical skills, with high personal qualities for railway transport enterprises, taking into account the request for industrial and innovative development

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Тараз теміржол көлік және коммуникация колледжінде білім ал. Сен өкінбейсің!!! Получай знания в Таразском колледже железнодорожного транспорта и коммуникаций. Ты не пожалеешь!!!

Our progress


The regional championship “WorldSkills Jambyl – 2024” has ended. Participants of the Taraz College of Railway Transport and Communication Auaskhan Asylkhan Samatuly in the “Welding” competency, Altynbekov Alan Maratuly and Emil Nurulin in the “Mobile Robotics” competency took third place, and the leaders were awarded with commendations.